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Support for The Network Director is no longer available
The Network Director provides complete SNA/VTAM Network Management facilities. A powerful menu manager, it makes network systems easier for the end user,
while providing exceptional security and auditing tools for network staff.
Improve Network Security
Allow only authorized end-users to access sensitive applications
Safely distribute and modify passwords
Set violation detection alarms for easy monitoring
Quickly identify and report security violations
Increase Productivity
Interactively monitor and manage network activities
Easily manage user ids and passwords
Effortlessly share help desk information
Effectively pinpoint and solve network problems
Improve End-User Efficiency
Run several applications simultaneously from one 3270 terminal
Empower easy, single-logon access to authorized applications
Provide central access to current events and application status alerts
Offer easy, secure messaging across subsystems and domains
The Network Director allows you to
logically manage and secure an SNA network:
Menu Management Tools
empower you to create dynamic, customized application menus for end-users.
Global Sign-on
allows end-users to logon to one or more applications from a single entry point.
Network Information File
allows you to post network-wide information in a bulletin board format.
Network Security Tools
provide a complete security package including security system interfaces to RACF,ACF2, and TOPSECRET; password maintenance tools; intruder detection alarms; and more!
Messaging Services
empower end-users to exchange messages within or across domains.
Administrative Tools
allow you to easily and efficiently maintain and monitor network activities.